Autumn life at the sled dog kennel

The autumn is here and the temperature dips. After the summer’s midnight sun has brighten up the nights it’s once again dark at night. Nature’s colors shift from the healthy green shades to vibrant yellow, orange and red.
The other night we saw our first Northern lights / Aurora Borealis for this season.
Winter is approaching!

The fall training with our huskies started in beginning of August.
The training consists not only of training their physical fitness but also dressage and obedience, the communication with us and socializing in the pack.

It seems like not only we and the dogs are longing for the snow and the cold!
Requests and bookings for our dogsledding tours this coming winter drops in.
The latest addition to our longer dog sledding adventures and expeditions is the tour
Husky adventure to the Norwegian border.
On this tour we travel high up in the mountains north from the arctic circle. We will go into areas outside the National parks where very few tourists go. An arctic experience combining comfortable accommodation in huts and winter camping in tents.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the tours, our dogs or us.

Stina & Matti

About Author

We are a small company based at the Arctic Circle which delivers outstanding wilderness travel experiences during summer and winter.


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