12 Days
1-12 April 2025
max. 4 participants
Group Size
Cabin, Mountain Lodge, Tent

A dog sledding expedition in Swedens most high alpine area around Swedens highest mountain Kebnekaise and through the great lowlands of Sjaunja Nature Reserve.

We will travel with our dog teams in this majestic area and combine winter camping with nights in mountain cabins. Most of the time we will dog sled along marked winter trails but it could also be that we leave the trails and go into less explored areas. 
As on all real tours and expeditions we have to adjust our plans along the way, adapt to weather and wind and try to grab the good options when they appear.

The huskies well being is in focus during the whole expedition and we will all work as a team and be part of all daily shores such as setting up tents, getting water, cooking and taking care of and feeding the dogs.

If the weather and sun activity we will have a good chance to see the Northern lights and hopefully we will also get to spots some of the wildlife in the area.


The tour starts and ends at Saltoluokta Mountain Station

» How to get here


Experienced wilderness guide
One dog team per person
Warm jacket, pants, warm shoes, hat, gloves
Sleeping bag and equipment for the tour
Fullboard from breakfast day 1 until breakfast day 12 (Typical Lapland and Swedish food)
Accommodation, 2 night at Saltoluokta Mountain Station (bed in group room) and 9 nights in mountain huts and tents


Travel as well as transfer to and from Saltoluokta Mountain Station
Travel insurance
Alcoholic beverages


● Single room at Saltoluokta 550 Sek/night
● Private double room at Saltoluokta 450 Sek/night


BEFORE YOU BOOK, make sure you read all information under the tabs ITINERARY and IMPORTANT INFO so you know what is required of you as a participant.

»What it takes to join this adventure

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Note! We will manually review the booking and confirm availability within the shortest possible time after receiving your order. Until your booking is confirmed no payment or charges will be applied.

»Terms and conditions


Day 1 - Welcome to Saltoluokta Mountain Station

Right on Kungsleden, the King’s Trail, you find the beautiful Saltoluokta Mountain Station built in 1918,
We meet for dinner in the evening in the charming restaurant with lots of original furniture from when it was built. After dinner you will get the clothes and boots you will wear during the tour.

Day 2 - Heading North

After breakfast in the restaurant, we prepare the sleds, you will get driving instructions and how to handle the dogs and then we get the dogs harnessed and get ready to take off. The first part of the day goes along the shore of Lake Langas. We heading up towards Stora Sjöfallet National Park in the west then our journey continues along the winter trail towards Satisjaure and Teusajaure. We will stop for lunch somewhere on the trail and this first night we will camp in our tents.
Like all days everyone will help out with everything from set the camp to feed the dogs etc.

Day 3 - In to the High Mountains

The first part of the day will include some tricky and technical passages where we may have to lead the dog teams through some short but very steep downhills. We will pass by Teusajaure cabin and after that we start with one of the most demanding uphills in the Swedish mountain range. So be ready for a hard workout. After reaching the top of the mountain we glide down to Kaitumjaure cabin where we will spend the night.
Lunch on the trail as all days.

Day 4-8 - Exploring and Live with Nature

During these days we will travel in the high alpine Kebnekaise area and we will adjust the route depending on the wind and weather, the dogs and the group. There are some cabins in the area that we might use but we also have our tents so there are always a possibility to set camp if we need.
This area is very exposed if the weather turns bad.

Day 9 - Nikkaloukta and South

After camping just south of Nikkaluokta we start the day with a steep climb where we need to run and push the sleds to help the dogs. After the uphill the rest of the day goes over a low mountain area. If it’s good weather we will have great views from the trail.

Day 10 - Sjaunja Nature Reserve

We leave the area west of Tjuonajokk and start our journey through Sjaunja nature reserve. Mostly low birch forest with open, frozen wetlands. Night will be spent in our tents.

Day 11 - Back to Saltoluokta

After taking down the tent camp we start driving the last stretch back to Saltoluokta. Today it’s mostly forest and frozen lakes. Usually, this part has a good trail to follow.
After arrival to Saltoluokta we unharness the dogs for the last time and then a warm shower and delicious dinner awaits us in the restaurant.

Day 12 - Departure Day

Breakfast and then say good bye to the dogs before departure.

For who?

You need good fitness and have good physical capacity to participate in this expedition.
READ THIS BEFORE YOU BOOK: »What it takes to join this adventure

Minimum age is 18 years old in company by an adult.

No previous dog sledding experience is required, but you must like animals and feel empathy for them.

Tour Conditions:

In wilderness cabin we sleep on bunk beds in mixed room with both gentlemen’s and women’s. The wilderness cabins are heated with wood/gas and have no electricity or running water. Dry toilet is available at the camps but at tent camps we dig hole in the snow.


We all meet for dinner in the restaurant at Saltoluokta Mountain Station at 18:00 on the arrival day.
NOTE! The expedition starts and ends at Saltoluokta

» How to get here

1 – 12 April 2025

Group size: Max 4 participants

BEFORE YOU BOOK, make sure you read all information under the tabs ITINERARY and IMPORTANT INFO so you know what is required of you as a participant.

»What it takes to join this adventure

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Note! We will manually review the booking and confirm availability within the shortest possible time after receiving your order. Until your booking is confirmed no payment or charges will be applied.

»Terms and conditions

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