What is Nature’s Best and Ecotourism?
Nature’s Best is a pioneering quality label for responsible nature tourism in Sweden. The focus is the quality of the travel experience, combined with strict environment and nature conservation measures, as well as a clear local connection. Internationally, this is usually called ecotourism.
Nature’s Best is the first national quality label for ecotourism in the northern hemisphere. It was launched during the UN International Year of Ecotourism in 2002.
Many tour operators offer “green” tourism, but far from all offer high quality tours or extraordinary experiences. Too few care sufficiently about nature preservation, adaptation to the environment or the involvement of local communities.
Nature’s Best is a system designed to ensure high quality nature experiences combined with a stronger nature conservation, more environmentally-friendly travel, and care about the destination’s cultural values.
It is often considered the most demanding and detailed quality brand in the world.
Jokkmokkguiderna is quality labeled Natures Best Sweden since 2003
Labeling committee´s motivation (29 January 2003)
“One of Norrbotten’s most capable and most enthusiastic dogsled tour operators, who always puts the focus on the dogs. A skilled and serious operator, Matti Holmgren is determined to inspire other entrepreneurs in Jokkmokk tourism to develop their activities. He is also a genuine enthusiast with a deep commitment to the World Heritage of Lapland – the primeval forest in the vicinity of the mountains and its natural predators.”
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