Jokkmokks Winter Market…say no more…

Jokkmokk Winter Market is the happening with a big H. During a couple of hectic days Jokkmokk transforms from a silent idyllic village to a meeting place of great dignity. Up to 80’000 visitors has visit this market during one week. This is more than a 20 times the normal populations of Jokkmokk that is approx. 3500 inhabitants. The traffic gets a little bit chaotic, reindeer caravans on the streets, helicopters, snow mobiles, sled dogs… During these days we limit our tours to maximum 3 hour tours so that as many as possible gets the opportunity to ride. That we our selves get the opportunity for lectures or shopping is utopia. We drive dog sleds, feed dog, prepare the tracks, answer in phones and try to have time to eat and sleep etc. This is a week with full speed! Funny with a lot of nice people, lack of sleep and something to talk about in the village. Up here the year is the life before the market and the eventually life that still exists inside of us after the market. 😉 If you want to come in 2010 book accommodation in time… Welcome!

/  Matti

Volkers hundspann i full fart nere på Skabramsjön.
Volkers hundspann i full fart nere på Skabramsjön.Working Husky Holly leder stinas hundspann med mestadels unghundar.Jokkmokksmarknad, en handels och mötesplats sedan 400år.Jokkmokk har altid varit en naturlig mötesplats i Lappland.En vintermarknad utan kola är ingen vintermarknad!Sten och Stina äter köttsoppa ute i skogen tillsammans med Willes gäng.Lapplandsnattens mörker sänker sig runt lägerelden.

About Author

We are a small company based at the Arctic Circle which delivers outstanding wilderness travel experiences during summer and winter.