Terms and Conditions – Short tours/Arrangements up to one day

These conditions apply to all bookings made directly to the company Jokkmokkguiderna HB with the company number 969725 – 3871. Jokkmokkguiderna HB will hereafter be referred to as we, or Jokkmokkguiderna. All short tours/arrangements will hereafter be referred to as tours.

Due to the Corona Virus, COVID-19
We expect you to follow the Swedish laws, recommendations and restrictions provided by the Swedish Health Authorities.
It is your own responsibility to ensure you have a travel, medical and cancellation insurance.
Check with your insurance company exactly what is included and if there are any exceptions for Covid-19.

Regarding Payment

When booking you will be charged 100% of the price for the tour.


Cancellation must be made as soon as there is a reason not to conduct the tour.
– Up to 14 days before scheduled tour 75% of full payment will be refunded.
– Cancellations within 14 days of arrival will be charged 100% of the booking’s total amount.
If Jokkmokkguiderna must cancel for any reason you will get back the total amount you’d paid us.
It is your own responsibility to ensure you have a travel, medical and cancellation insurance. Check this up with your insurance company.
All cancellations must be made via email.

Changing your booking

We will do our best to assist you if you want to change your booking, but we cannot guarantee to be able to meet your request. Changes can only be made within the same year as your booking is valid.

Your obligations as a participant

  • To read your booking confirmation and check that all dates and products are booked according to your requirements. If not, please contact us to correct any misunderstandings immediately.
  • Provide us with correct contact details when booking.
  • Provide us with the correct information about age, nationality, emergency contact person, health condition, food restrictions, physical ability and size information (if applicable) for all participants when making the reservation.
  • Where two or more people are included on the same booking, or a booking is being made on behalf of a third party, the person making the booking shall be seen to be acting as an agent for all members of the party and accepts these terms and conditions on behalf of each member of the party.
  • You are responsible for possessing a valid passport and obtaining any visa required for travel to Sweden.
  • Follow the instructions and rules that apply to animals, activity, accommodation, transfer etc. You are liable for all damages resulting from your behavior.

Force majeure

Force majeure means unusual, unpredictable and unavoidable events that are outside of the organizers control, and that prevents the contract to be fulfilled. Circumstances that the organizer could not, within reasonable means, have foreseen and therefore could not have avoided or overcome. Including, but not restricted to, war, threat of war, riot, civilian insubordination or strike, authority measure, act of terrorism, nature- or industrial catastrophe, epidemics, pandemics, fire, severe weather conditions, flood, closed air ports, technical issues, maintenance issues or unforeseen changes made by airlines or train companies, such as time table changes, interruption in IT-infrastructure (including but not restricted to our web site). During these conditions the organizer is free from liability or other consequences.

Subject to change

Jokkmokkguiderna reserves the right to change the maximum number of guests on a tour.