6 hours
Dec – Feb
Easy, Moderate
minimum 2 pers
Group Size

Drive your own dog sled for a day and be guided through Jokkmokk’s forest landscape. Get knowledge about the nature, see tracks in the snow from the wild animals and last but not least get in close contact with our loving sled dogs.

Drive your own dog team for one day and travel with the sled dogs through the snow-covered woodlands here in the north. Travel over ice covered lakes, frozen mires and through beautiful forests.
We will tell you about the landscape and the animals living here. During the sled dog tour we usually see many tracks in the snow and we show you what the different animals are living of and how they are adapted to the snow and the winter.
You will learn how to drive your own dog team and get closer to our huskies and their different personalities.
During the day we will make a stop for lunch and give the dogs a rest while we barbeque over an open fire.




An experienced dog sled guide
Snowmobile suit, warm boots, hat and gloves
Lunch, coffee/tea and cake
An individual dog team
The trip lasts for approx 6 hours

For who?

On this tour you will handle and drive your own dogsled. How physically demanding it will be depends very much on the snow and weather conditions during the tour. But, to go dogsledding requires that you have good balance and are reasonable fit.
In up-hills and heavy snow conditions you must help your dogs by kicking beside the sled and sometimes also run and push the sled in steep up-hills. You also need to have in mind that you will be physically active outside in the cold for many hours.

If you are unsure if you can take part don’t hesitate to send us an email and tell us about yourself and your worries. Women seem to underestimate them self very often, while men sometimes overestimate their own physical capacity.

Minimum age is 16 years old (in company by an adult) to follow on this tour.
To bring babies and small children on outdoor activities for many hours in winter are not recommended.


The tour starts at Jokkmokkguiderna´s kennel in Skabram 3 km west from Jokkmokk.
Address: Skabram 201, 962 97 Jokkmokk, Sweden

If you can´t get here on your own then we can pick you up in Jokkmokk center for an extra fee of 200 SEK.
The transfer must be booked in advance.

» How to get here


December – Feb

BEFORE YOU BOOK, make sure you read all information under the tabs ITINERARY and IMPORTANT INFO so you know what is required of you as a participant.

Booking on request

This tour can only be booked upon request, which means that you have to contact us by email.

At a request we need to know:
• Your name?
• Email?
• Phone/mobile (inclusive country code)?
• Which tour you’re interested in?
• Which dates?
• How many you are (adults? Children? Age of children?)

NOTE! A booking request does not mean that you are automatically booked! For a booking to be valid, you must first receive a booking confirmation from us.

» Terms and conditions

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