12 Days
2025 coming soon
max. 4 participants
Group Size
Cabin, Guesthouse, Mountain Lodge, Tent

It is really something special to be out on a journey in nature for a long time, and this is the longest dog sled expedition we offer. Imagine, after six days, we will only be halfway through!

NOTE! For the Dog sled Expedition 2025 there will be a new route that we will soon reveal! 
We start from Saltoluokta mountain station and cross high mountains, through old primeval forests and will pass through six different mountain valleys. During our journey we will both winter camp, sleep in small wilderness huts but also spend some nights in the Swedish tourist associations mountain cabins and, the last day on the dog sleds we will steer them up to the dogs kennel and our home just outside Jokkmokk north of the Arctic Circle.
We have a plan for where we are going, but it almost never goes as planned when you’re on a dog sled expedition trip. Weather and wind can force us to change the route but that we don’t know anything about today, because on real adventures it is the law of nature that rules.


The tour starts at Saltoluokta and ends in Jokkmokk.

» How to get here


Experienced wilderness guide
One dog team per person
Warm jacket, pants, warm shoes, hat, gloves
Sleeping bag and equipment for the tour
Fullboard from breakfast day 1 until breakfast day 12 (Typical Lapland and Swedish food)
Accommodation, 1 night at Saltoluokta Mountain Station (group room), 1 night in Jokkmokk Hostel Åsgård (shared room) and 9 nights in mountain huts and tents


Travel as well as transfer to Saltoluokta Mountain Lodge and from Jokkmokk
Travel insurance
Alcoholic beverages


● Single room at Saltoluokta 550 kr
● Private double room at Saltoluokta 450 kr
● Single room at Åsgård Hostel 270 kr


BEFORE YOU BOOK, make sure you read all information under the tabs ITINERARY and IMPORTANT INFO so you know what is required of you as a participant.

»What it takes to join this adventure

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Note! We will manually review the booking and confirm availability within the shortest possible time after receiving your order. Until your booking is confirmed no payment or charges will be applied.

»Terms and conditions


Day 1 - Welcome to Saltoluokta Mountain Station

Saltoluokta mountain station is located in an open landscape right on the Kungsleden, the King’s trail. The main building was built in 1918 and is still intact with a lot of the original handmade furniture’s, paraffin lamps and open fireplaces.
We meet in the evening for a shared delicious meal in the charming and reputed restaurant. After dinner we will go through the gear and you will get your clothes and shoes.
For anyone who arrives earlier in the day we have snowshoes that you can borrow if you would like to check out the surroundings.

Day 2 – The King’s Trail to Sitojaure

After breakfast we pack up our sleds and you will get instructions in how to drive you dog sleds and handle the dogs. Then it’s time to get the harnesses on the dogs and take off.
We start our journey south along Kungsleden (the King’s trail) towards the huge lake Sitojaure. After 20 km we will arrive to the Sitojaure cabin where we going to spend our night.

Day 3 – The delta of Rapadalen and Aktse

Today we’ll follow the Sito River valley downstream. We start high up in the birch forest and will travel lower and lower in to the needle forest. After lunch we will turn in towards the valley Rapadalen and lake Laidaure. After 42 km we will arrive to the cabin in Aktse which is situated with a great view over the delta of Rapadalen (Rapa valley).

Day 4 – Virgin Pine tree forest

We cross the lake Laidaure and continue in to the Rittak valley. During the day we will cross lake Tjaktjajaure and heading in to a true virgin pine tree forest. We will stop at the Pårte cabin for the night. 26 km.

Day 5 - Kvikkjokk and the valley Tarradalen

We continue along the Kungsleden trail to the tiny mountain village Kvikkjokk. In Kvikkjokk we will head west leaving the King’s Trail and travel into the valley Tarradalen. We will travel through the frozen delta landscape and stop for tent camping around Njunjes. Exactly where depends on the weather forecast and where we find water.

Day 6 – Tarrakaise and back

Today we plan to continue up to the Tarrakaise cabin and then turn back towards the delta for another night in our mountain tents.

Day 7 – Västerfjäll, the small mountain village

From the Kvikkjokk delta we continue and head out on the Kungsleden again and continue south. The plan is to visit Västerfjäll, a remote small mountain village without road access. Here in the middle of nowhere we’ll find a church. We turn around at the glen of the Piteälven valley and go back to find a good camping spot. Weather, snow conditions and the dogs decide exactly how far we will go this day.

Day 8 – Peuraure and Karats

We have left the Kings Trail again and today we will run many kilometers on the big lakes Peuraure and Karats. Long lakes with old beautiful needle forest and low mountains. An area with a great wilderness feeling. Another night in tents.

Day 9 – The Pearl River Nature Reserve

Today we continue over the big lakes to where river Pärlälven (Pearl river) starts. Small lower mountains and old virgin forest surrounding us and we will pass by a small settlement that have no road access. Only two persons live here permanently. In the end of the day, we will reach Laxholmen, an island with several small cabins. The plan is to stay one night in one of the cabins but if it’s crowded we maybe choose to tent instead somewhere in the surroundings.

Day 10 - Travel through Elk land

From the lake Karats we continue our journey along the Karats trail. The trail goes along lakes, through forests and frozen wetland. Now we will reach an area where there usually are more elks during this time of the year. Nature is nature and the wild animals usually try to stay away from people so we need a bit of luck if we should be able to see something. In end of the day, we will drive to the small Juoksaure cabin or set up our tents and camp one more night along the trail.

Day 11 – Juoksaure to Jokkmokk

We start from Juoksaure and travel the last 30 km to our kennel and home just outside Jokkmokk. We will follow the lower part of the Pearlriver down to lake Purkijaure that is a part of the river Lilla Luleälven. Finally, we’ll reach the kennel and you will get to see how the dogs live back home. After the tour we’ll take you to the cozy Åsgård Guest House where you can enjoy a warm shower before a final dinner.

Day 12 - Bye bye Jokkmokk

Your last day in Jokkmokk. Breakfast and then time to travel back home.

Alternative Route:

Day 6-8

It’s possible to go a different route. We could choose to continue higher in to the valley of Tarradalen and spend a night in the Såmmarlappa cabin or Tarrakaise cabin. To be able to do this we will need good weather. If we choose this route, we will probably not reach Västerfjäll (that was the plan above). On long expedition tours like these usually things happen. As always travelling in and with nature we will have to adjust the plan along the tour.

For who?

A certain level of fitness is required.
READ THIS BEFORE YOU BOOK: »What it takes to join this adventure

Minimum age is 18 years old in company by an adult.

No previous dog sledding experience is required, but you must like animals and feel empathy for them.

Tour conditions:

In wilderness cabin we sleep on bunk beds in mixed room with both gentlemen’s and women’s. The wilderness cabins are heated with wood/gas and have no electricity or running water. Dry toilet is available at the camps but at tent camps we dig hole in the snow.


We all meet for dinner in the restaurant at Saltoluokta Mountain Station at 17:30 on the arrival day.
NOTE! The tour starts at Saltoluokta and ends in Jokkmokk.

» How to get here

2025 coming soon

Group size: Max 4 participants

BEFORE YOU BOOK, make sure you read all information under the tabs ITINERARY and IMPORTANT INFO so you know what is required of you as a participant.

»What it takes to join this adventure

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Note! We will manually review the booking and confirm availability within the shortest possible time after receiving your order. Until your booking is confirmed no payment or charges will be applied.

»Terms and conditions

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