What do our Huskies do in Summer?
what do huskies do in summer

What do our huskies do in the summer? This is a question that we get very often, and to best describe it, Stina has made a video from a hot summer day in July.

We are proud of our dogs and spend a lot of time with them and work very much socially with them which we see is the key to getting a harmonious pack and happy sled dogs.
All 50 huskies can be out in our large rest area together without problems and from what we understand it is not so common that sled dog kennels have it this way.

Our huskies are close to our hearts and we see them as our family members. We have no children but as Stina’s mother once said; It goes just as well with puppies! 😉

So, join Stina and all our Siberian huskies for a moment in this joyful video! And, if you want to see more of our videos don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, it’s for free and costs you nothing you just have to register!

About Author

We are a small company based at the Arctic Circle which delivers outstanding wilderness travel experiences during summer and winter.