After the first night spent at Saltoluokta Mountain Station we loaded the dogs in the car trailer and drove up to Ritsem. On the tour this week were Richard and Jacob from US.
During the week we got changing weather with everything from wind and snow flurries to bright sunshine and heating sun.
From Sitasjaure we steered our dog sleds up to the Norwegian border and then drove east towards the mountains of Kebnekaise. We spent two nights in the cabins in Sälka with the pleasure to get sauna with snow rolls and music from an Ipod. One of the days in Sälka we went up with the dog teams in Unna Räitasvagge, with an altitude of more than 1200 meters over sea level.
In the end of the season it always feels sad that the summer is around the corner. Normally we just want to keep on dog sledding just as we have done since November. And meet interesting people and experience the adventure in the wilderness with all what it includes. Snow storms, boiling cowboy coffee over the fire, fire in the cabin stoves and pull up the snow hook from the snow and give the dogs the starting commando…
/ Matti and Stina