After spending two nights at Saltoluokta Mountain Station after the last tour me, 20 huskies and Lotta and Maria two gusts from Uppsala headed out with three teams south along the Kings Trail. During the first days it was cloudy and a bit windy. The third night when we were in Pårte cabin we got a magnificent northern light show. Sometimes it lay still up on the sky and slowly faded away before it flared up again like a fire coming to life. I took some photo shots before I went back in to the warm cabin. Lotta and Maria were more persistent northern light watchers than me but finally came in to sleep. The northern light was active for several hours that night.
The day after we got very delayed to start because we got an offer it was hard to say no to. Berta the caretaker of the cabin invited us for pancakes and cowboy coffee. We there for had to go the last part to the Aktse cabin in the dark with our headlights. Between Aktse and Sitojaure it was really bad visibility. The wind took the snow up in the air and it was so thick that we couldn’t see between the trail markers. The leader dogs made a really good job. Not only the leaders of my team but also the ones in the teams behind who faithfully followed my dogteam. Maria and Lotta handled it very well even if we sometimes couldn’t see each other’s sleds.
Another nice week with pleasant guests. Welcome back!