This week’s direction was set to the north. Peter and Diane (New Zealand), Ulla (Sweden), Hadewych (The Netherlands) and Florian (Germany) joined at Saltoluokta and become this tours group together with the dogs. The plan was to follow the Kingstrail north from Saltoluokta to Abisko. We drove from Stora Sjöfallet further on through Teusavagge. When we started out on the second day from the Teusajaure cabins most of the sleds were on the side, upside down and without drivers…An utter circus to quote Peter. Okay, we started out on the roof of a boathouse but if you have booked an adventure… We drove further on to Kaitumjaure, Singi and travelled on to Sälka. There we also got the time to go a short trip towards the Hukejuare cabins. As the week went on all became better and better musher’s. After the heavy uphill to the Tjätjapass we had a very nice and easy run down to the cabins at Alesjaure where we met Stina and her husky team. Stina had driven our car up to Abisko so that we could come down to Saltoluokta again with all the dogs and equipment. It was a nice tour and great weather with some detours from the Kings trail. Sorry that we have so few pictures from this tour but my focus was to film during this week.