This week we had several previous guests coming back. Ulla (Sweden) who followed us on the tour The northern Kings Trail with huskies in 2009 and Paula and Franco (Italy) which followed on the tour The gate to Sarek National Park in 2010. We also got two new guests, Dorothea (Netherlands) and Terje (Norway). We are happy to get new acquaintances and it’s very nice to have “old celebrities” back.
With sleds loaded with dog food and food for our self for 6 days we commanded our leader dogs northeast from Saltoluokta Mountain Station. Our destination for the first day was Tjuonajokk Fishing Camp. Some parts of the trail follow parts of Sjaunja Nature reserve with vast bogs and forest areas. Sjaunja is a part of Laponia World Heritage. In Tjuonajokk we were served delicious mashed potatoes with a creamy reindeer stew in their cozy restaurant.
The next day we headed out west along the Kaitum rivers glen with some parts of windswept spots and sometimes surfaces with clear ice. On the clear ice Fenris (one of our huskies) strained a back leg and had to hike in Stinas sled for the rest of the tour.
After a night in the cabin in Kaitumjaure we travelled along to Hukejaure, Sälka, Teusajaure and then via Stora Sjöfallet back to Saltoluokta Mountain Station.
A lovely sunny week!
/ Matti & Stina