The 15th of March was the start date for one of our most extreme dog sled tours in our program. Eight days through Sarek National Park, where conveniences like cabins and marked trails don’t exist.
This year we had Olle, Jens and Henrik as guests on the tour.
Just before start we got green light from the reindeer keepers that we could start the tour from Saltoluokta which was our original plan. We (Jokkmokkguiderna) always try to have a good communication with the reindeer keeping Sami’s in the area where we travel so we don’t disturb the reindeers. This winter we were lucky to get a gap between two bigger reindeer groups so we could go through without making any problems.
We went south from Saltoluokta to Sitojaure lake and from there west to Rinim towards Pierikjaure and down into Rapadalen (Rapavalley). The second and third nights offered us marvellous northern lights (latin name: aurora borealis) dancing over the mountains. We continued west through Alkavagge and out to Padjelanta National Park. The snow condition changed from hard and easy travelled in the east from Sarek to soft, deep and heavy…snow up to our knees in central Sarek and towards west. The dogs and we had to work hard to reach Tarralouppal and the upper part of Tarradalen (Tarravalley). The trail in Tarradalen down to Kvikkjokk went like clockwork! The longest day we went 55 km.
We spent one night in Såmmarlappa cabin together with the cabin host Ola and stopped for coffee and a chat with Marianne and Roger at Tarrakaise. We continued along the trail to Kvikkjokk and followed the Kings trail to the hostess Berta in Pårte cabin. The next day we reached Aktse where we met Lena, Örjan and their 12 huskies. We had a nice evening with lots of stories about the life out in the mountains, dog sledding and huskies.
At day 8, our last day on the trail we crossed over the mountain towards Sitojaure cabin and had a coffee break with the cabin hostess Anna-Lena. The last 20 km over the mountain to Saltoluokta gave us some hard wind and bad visibility. The hot sauna and delicious dinner in the restaurant was waiting.
Summery of the tour: It’s a very various tour and as usual in Sarek, no trails, heavy sleds but a magnificent landscape. I can really recommend this tour for you who are mentally prepared to work hard and stay out without facilities as cabins and toilets etc.
/ Matti