After the latest heavy snowfall Alex and I head out along the trails in the wood land of Jokkmokk. The sleds were heavy and we had to help the dogs by kicking behind our dog sleds. The plan was to start out with three guests but Stefan and Gian got stuck in Zürich because of

We have had visitors from France on an Overnight tour with dog sled. Herve and his two sons Louis and Lucas spent the 2 days together with me and 15 of our huskies in the woodlands of Jokkmokk. Herve and Louis learned how to drive their own dog teams and Lucas who is 13 drove

In 1935 a couple of cheerful and brave Swedish men made a ski and dog sled expedition in the Swedish mountains. Their journey started in Sulitelma and went in to the Jokkmokk Mountains and further on through Lapland up to Riksgränsen. During their expedition a husky gave birth to puppies, they built igloo, they were

Our longer tours and expeditions with dog sled have started to get booked. Still it is place left on all the tours. We are very happy to have so many guests returning. Some have been on dog sledding tours with us several times. But…If you ones tried dog sledding… On the tour Dog sledding adventure

The Christmas come closer and closer. In Sweden we have a tradition to eat lots of food at Christmas time. We have something what we call Christmas Table. It’s a kind of smorgasbord. But this Christmas we will offer something new. A combination of dog sledding, Igloo village and Christmas table! More details check the

The autumn is here and soon the first thin ice will be covering the lakes and the first snowflake will fall from the sky. The autumn is the time for getting the huskies fit for the winter and planning and preparing for the coming season. We have picked out some photos from the dog sled

All our Dog sled tours are updated for winter season 2010/2011! And we have a new dog sledding adventure. Some people think that the Overnight tour with dog sled is to short and the other longer tours are to long. So we now present a 4 days mid-winter adventure through the fairytale forests of Jokkmokk

Together with STF (the Swedish tourist organization) we organize dog sled courses in Saltoluokta mountan lodge. Jokkmokkguiderna and STF have been cooperating since 1996 when Matti for the first time drove guests by dogsled in Saltoluokta under their management. On the first day of this year’s course we got a nice day tour down to

Ritsem became our starting point for this year’s tour along the northern Kings trail. We had to change a bit in the program to make the first day a bit easier for the dogs that had have kennel cough the week before. My companion through the Kebnekaise Mountains were Steve (England), Nora (Switzerland), Tommy and

Our mission for this week was to carry luggage with dog sleds in Sarek National Park. The tour was made in cooperation with Mountain Guide Travel and the guide Magnus Strand who is an authorized mountain guide. During last autumn we got a request from Magnus to arrange with transportation, accommodation and food in Sarek